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I graduated with a B.A. in English, seeking to do something with it.

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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Why if you question America, if you question the wars that wage, the economic structure that we live in, you are Un-American? I thank of the past, when "America" moved in, and was un-willing to share with the natives, i wonder if that was American? I think of slavery, Jim-crow, and water-gate. Was that American? I think people who question America are the strong Americans, not the "real" Americans, but the strong ones. It took strength to end slavery, Jim crow. It takes strength to raise America to a better American. It take strength to stand up to what is wrong. It takes Americans to make America better not the left, not right, but us all.

We are becoming more divided everyday. The closer Obama comes to the white house the angrier some are becoming and it reminds me of the 60's when King stood strong for America. Now America must stand strong for our history, for our present and for our future.

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