I didn't get my freebies, but I got something else after I voted. I got a sense of purpose, a sense of belonging to a country, that never wanted me before 2008. So I thought. In order to process the victory of Obama, I had to first go back into past. Not to slavery, but to the 60's, to king which took me back to slavery. His struggle and death path the way for Obama and all of us. That's no longer the question. But the question reminds what now? What do we do now since "we have arrive" to America. That's what it feels like. That we have been living, working, breathing on a land that we was not apart of. Right? We wasn't really Americans where we? Most white America don't understand that awkward feeling of not belonging. Picture a black child going through the American school system and they read about King and King is associated with the civil rights movement and that movement to associated to Jim Crow and Jim Crow is associated to slavery and Slavery is associated to weakness and embarrassment. Now the weakness and embarrassment can be argue since it took strength and wisdom to survive but this is where we are today. But if take King and Kings associations to slavery, many Black children see King as a hero, and get angry that he was killed, but they are not moved to "do better."
Sure we helped build America, but we never received our rewards. Where's our accolades for making the stop light, the light bulb, the show making machine, the peanut butter, the perm, the pace maker, the guide control missile and the IBM Computer? Why Don't our children know their history? It's a beautiful history. And if we all knew our history, Obama rise to power wouldn't be so surprising, especially if you know how greatly we change America for the better.
So slavery and King are huge parts of American, but lets study Otis Boykin, Garrett Morgan, George Washington Carver and Madam C. J. Walker so that we can better know American History. |
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