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Location: United States

I graduated with a B.A. in English, seeking to do something with it.

This weblog is neither affiliated with, nor sanctioned by my employer.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Sex on tape is becoming the more popular than a white family on fox. Are we that suprise these days by the flood of personal sex tapes to the media? With the need of 15 minutes of fame, and the promise of riches soon afterwards, who wouldn't sell sex? Do you ever wonder what's not for sell? The sadest movie I ever watched, or at least the movie that made me sad the most was "Indecent proposal" Where a woman sold her marriage for money and the man co-signed. Something felt dirty about that movie, as if money could solve there depts or as if money could heal the woulds left by Robert. I never liked money so much after that movie.

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