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I graduated with a B.A. in English, seeking to do something with it.

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Monday, March 21, 2005

Pooh bear had her birthday party yesterday, she screamed at her grand mother (D's Mother), Pushed away from Adam and his girl, and totally dissed my brother. Happy birthday pooh, you are your grandmothers, grand daughter. (my mother). Pooh bear received a baby grand piano, which she immediatley ran to and played for 30 minutes. She had a modest crowd of four, My Brother, talaka, D and me. Everyone else left out early for various reasons. The missed a great show as she played that piano as if she was ray charles. The box saids age 3 and up. Whatever, my baby at age 1 took that piano as if she was trained. So piano lessons are in the works for pooh.

Comments on ""


Blogger surviving revival said ... (12:12 AM) : 

Ok, I'm lame. Tot and I totally missed Pooh's party! I'll be somewhere in the corner kicking myself. :(
(Gifts will arrive very shortly.)


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