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Location: United States

I graduated with a B.A. in English, seeking to do something with it.

This weblog is neither affiliated with, nor sanctioned by my employer.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

We all seem to be on the search for the perfect person, the person that makes us whole, or atleast whole enough to make it through the day. Sometimes what we look for isn't the same thing that we find. Sometimes what we find are smaller pieces of what we don't want, but we ignore thoese smaller pieces hoping that thoes larger pieces will make us happy. The picture has nothing to do with the words, but it's called a peekoboo pole and it's sold in europe. Yes it is a stripper's pole that you can put in your house, which is cool, cause my friend asked me if she can swang on my pole when I get it. Sure, hell bring a friend, my pole is your pole.

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Blogger surviving revival said ... (5:46 AM) : 

lmfao - "my pole is your pole" :)


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