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I graduated with a B.A. in English, seeking to do something with it.

This weblog is neither affiliated with, nor sanctioned by my employer.

Friday, December 16, 2005

There are days like today that seems to move in slow motion. As if the world's rotation isn't slow enought. 365 days is what we get in one year and during that year we are suppose to make our lives mean something. My graduation was one of thoes moments that ment something to me. As a child, I would dream of being that student that gave the speech that sent the graduates off into the world. I would dream that the speech moved people, stunned them, made them think. What child dreams of such things? However, I am glad that decided to "walk." I got a nice robe out of it and a neat hat, if it ever comes back in style. C.A.R.D.S. the crowd screams.

Comments on ""


Blogger surviving revival said ... (4:49 AM) : 

merry christmas! i hope your home is filled with joy and happy kiddos! :)


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