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I graduated with a B.A. in English, seeking to do something with it.

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Thursday, November 10, 2005

Yes a picture is worth so much more, I have one of my grandfather and I during My Senior prom. We stand side by side, with enough space between us that we could have been strangers. And in many ways he was, Or I was to him. We never spoke about our feelings, or what troubled us. We seem to have never agreed on much except that Mcdonalds was good and baseball wasn't worth watching. In my family, amoung the males we would stand around talking about cars. "Ford stands for 'found on road dead.'" He loved a ford it was a man's car and an American car. When he bought one we would stand around saying how great the car look. When I bought my first car, a geo metro (a japanese car) and he hated it. He says, "I don't like those tires" and I don't trust a car like this."

We never liked each other even when i was a child, he would say, "Why does that boy laugh so much, ain't shit funny" and I smiled. He'll say stop smiling ain't shit funny! But I could never stop smiling.
Finally when he was killed, I cried, uncontrollably. Sometimes I still cry when I think about the many times he took my family in and when he use to bring us Ice cream in the freezing cold because boys love sugar. And every year when we visit his sister's house and no one sit's in the chair that he sat in and when some one did it crushed my soul.

I use to think that the Picture said a lot about him and I, but it really never said anything at all.

Comments on ""


Blogger surviving revival said ... (1:17 AM) : 

why does death bring so many things into focus?


Blogger Antwan said ... (3:41 AM) : 

Maybe because the person is no longer alive to confuse the situation.


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