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I graduated with a B.A. in English, seeking to do something with it.

This weblog is neither affiliated with, nor sanctioned by my employer.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

It's amazing, no matter who old a person gets, they seem to always look in the past. Even if that past wasn't great, in becomes great once it passes through time. I use to wonder if I regrat somethings in my past, I don't. I'm 27 and when I look back when I was a child and my mother turned 27, I was 7 years old, I never realize how young she was until now. My oldest child is 2, and when she was born I was not ready to become a father. That word disturbed me, since I never had a father of my own. I wonder what does a father do? Who does a father raise a daughter, a son? How does a father treat his wife? Are fathers faithful at the age of 25, the age that I was married. I had to make my own definition of a man. I used men that I did not like for examples of what not to be. I look at my female friends and I witness the heartache that their men caused and I promise not to cause such heartache. I realized overtime that I asorbed a lot from the female species that made me a better listener, a better thinker, a better lover :) and a better man. Thank G for females!!!!!!!!!

Comments on ""


Blogger Baraka said ... (2:44 AM) : 

I had to make my own definition of a man.

Sounds like you made some excellent decisions...stay strong!


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