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I graduated with a B.A. in English, seeking to do something with it.

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Monday, May 15, 2006

Why do americans dream so much. We dream of money, we dream of big homes, big cars, and love, deep love. I wonder if us as americans ever really live our lives or if we just float along from street to street, looking at each big home, hoping to live in a house just like that one, but better. Why do we fuck souless people? Because they happen to be there or because it's easier not to do what your heart tells you, but just what the souless fuck tells you to do? Why do Americans dream instead of live. I still blame Mc D's Fries for the fall of society. Before Mc D's became popular, men had to work for a living, men had to get real jobs like coal Mining, and factory working. Now they can flip burgers for 5.25 an hour, the American dream.

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Blogger surviving revival said ... (4:34 PM) : 

From what I've seen, it seems that quite a few of us just float along. Maybe we've convinced ourselves that the things we really want are out of our reach, or maybe we just become consumed by responsibilities, and we lose touch. I don't know...
As far as the soul-less fucking, I think that has something to do with the emptiness that people feel. When life is "do this, do that, go here and then there" we become sort of mechanical. Soul-less fucking is just a dysfunctional way of reaching out. (Dysfunctional because there's no soul...)
Um, I'm rambling. Now I'm going to sleep. ;)


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