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Location: United States

I graduated with a B.A. in English, seeking to do something with it.

This weblog is neither affiliated with, nor sanctioned by my employer.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Are we all obsessed with something, making money, spending money, making love, selling love, finding Love. I think so. I think we all obesse over something. It's just human to want, to crave, to lust. But anyway,
Thai from work spend the whole 8 hours quiet. He did not take the good pc, he did not beg me to make him a pizza, he didn't even sleep his usually 5 hours. He hates me! But my angre wouldn't let me be calm as usually, ( so I exploded ). I got home and to sleep at 7:30, Ringggg Ringggg it's fucking 11:00 and I'm up. Mad, but up. I did my regular internet check and I ran acoss pretty girls Blog and I smiled. We may not fit like a puzzle but we know each other. Thank you.
Why do we use our blogs to talk to each other?

Comments on ""


Blogger surviving revival said ... (12:17 AM) : 

So I'm normal!? ;)
Perhaps we use our blogs to speak to each other because it's an easier form of communication? Otherwise we'd be trying to chat while chasing toddlers and cooking dinner.


Blogger Antwan said ... (5:15 PM) : 

thats what makes dinner fun


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