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Location: United States

I graduated with a B.A. in English, seeking to do something with it.

This weblog is neither affiliated with, nor sanctioned by my employer.

Monday, May 16, 2005

april showers

april showers (7)
Originally uploaded by deantwan.
Ok, classes for me starts again, may 31st and I don't mind. I think I have became addictited to going to school. Well, the good thing about going to classes this summer is that I should, if the planets don't line up and destroy the earth, I should graduate this in August. This isn't my greatest accomplishment, or not even one of my proudest, or most exciting. But it's good. I am reminded many times that the world is bigger then me or my problems, this rainbow remind of the Old Testiment, where God made a Convent, to never destroy the earth with a flood again. And so to remind him to remind God, He made a rainbow. And so now, after big rains I'm always thankful that the rains did stop and that God remembered his Convent. I too remember the Convent as I will have my son foreskin cut. Many people think it means the penis foreskin, but the foreskin can be an arm, leg, finger, anything that comes out from the body. Don't worry, we will go with the penis foreskin

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Under the clove and where the big oak grows stand a man.
Tired, heart racing, breath taken.
Past the love of my mother and the forgot love of my father,
I stood a man.
I took my time and found the road through the jungles of my mind.
I imprison myself long ago with the thoughts of black pride.
Never did I take the time to see through the jungles of my mind,
To see dark men destroying dark women's joy.
To see the waste of life, not another dark boy.
Hope the jungle don't raised the boy.
The jungle will teach him to prowel,
To creap,
To Crawl,
To growl.
I was crowned beast and to say the lease before I ever became a man.