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I graduated with a B.A. in English, seeking to do something with it.

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Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Life is full of surprises and I was surprised again by the ignorance of "Educated" college students. As an English Major I have the great opportunity to read other English Major's writings. Two students responded to an autors work, entitled "The Rectum is a Grave." Sure the author was against homosexuality and mentions Aids as a consequence of anal sex. But I never expect two classmates to share the same opinion as this out dated author. One student writes, Aids is spreading because of homosexuals and that Queer Eye for the Stright Guy is apart of a fad America is going through. Another student rights, she feels sorry for those people with Aids, because they get tormented. She believes Aids victims are already punished for their actions.
I would be nice to think that a "Gay" show is on the air because America is divers and our televisions reflect that diversity. And I hope that many children born with Aids are not being punished for their sins, nor a wife who's husband cannot kick the habbit and gives her Aids. See I don't see the world as Black and White, but in colors, beautiful colors.

Comments on ""


Blogger surviving revival said ... (9:02 PM) : 

I don't understand why you'd be surprised that the "educated" can still be ignorant. A degree doesn't come with a guarantee of intelligence.


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