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I graduated with a B.A. in English, seeking to do something with it.

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Friday, October 07, 2005

The genius of Tavis Smiley? Tavis Smiley gives this scenario, a woman with two kids goes to the store and the woman leaves the two kids in the car while in the store. This woman knows the temperature but she also knows that she will be in the store for only a few minutes. However, the lines are longer than she expected and when returning to those kids, they are dead. This woman didn't mean to kill her kids, as a matter of fact she didn't personally kill them at all, nature did. But she did know about the heat and therefore she would be charged with neglected.
Picture the government knowing about the hurricane Katrina. Picture the government knowing about the weak levees years before Katrina. Picture people dying due to this neglect. There are a group of black lawyers who are gethering more and more information to sue the government for neglect. Just as that mother neglected to protect her children, the government neglected to protect it's citizens.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

It is amazing that white america spends their time trying to prove that they are not racist, while black america spends their time trying to prove that they are.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Sex on tape is becoming the more popular than a white family on fox. Are we that suprise these days by the flood of personal sex tapes to the media? With the need of 15 minutes of fame, and the promise of riches soon afterwards, who wouldn't sell sex? Do you ever wonder what's not for sell? The sadest movie I ever watched, or at least the movie that made me sad the most was "Indecent proposal" Where a woman sold her marriage for money and the man co-signed. Something felt dirty about that movie, as if money could solve there depts or as if money could heal the woulds left by Robert. I never liked money so much after that movie.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Chicken flu? So if we kill all the chickens in the world or at least in Asia, we could cure the biggest flu problem to come? You would think the chicken flu would be more scared then the regular flu right, it's a chicken! Now that is ironic, we spent years killing chickens and now they are going to kill us!