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Location: United States

I graduated with a B.A. in English, seeking to do something with it.

This weblog is neither affiliated with, nor sanctioned by my employer.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

I always said that there is someone out there for somebody. I never really believed that until today. Today I received a phone call from my brother's ex and she told me that she was getting married. Shocked as sat on the phone, I felt cheated. Cheated out of a sister-in-law, cheated out of 10 years of memories, cheated. Do I forget about thoes years, forget about the happy times that seen, or do I remember the bad times and thank God they are not still together. I wonder how my brother feels knowing the ship has pass, that he has missed the boat and is left waving goodbye. Part of me believes he deserves it, that he waited too long to find himself and now is alone. Part of me believes in Love and believes that if they were really meant to be, then they will be. And if the are not, they are not.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Photo Booth Baby!!!!
It's amazing, no matter who old a person gets, they seem to always look in the past. Even if that past wasn't great, in becomes great once it passes through time. I use to wonder if I regrat somethings in my past, I don't. I'm 27 and when I look back when I was a child and my mother turned 27, I was 7 years old, I never realize how young she was until now. My oldest child is 2, and when she was born I was not ready to become a father. That word disturbed me, since I never had a father of my own. I wonder what does a father do? Who does a father raise a daughter, a son? How does a father treat his wife? Are fathers faithful at the age of 25, the age that I was married. I had to make my own definition of a man. I used men that I did not like for examples of what not to be. I look at my female friends and I witness the heartache that their men caused and I promise not to cause such heartache. I realized overtime that I asorbed a lot from the female species that made me a better listener, a better thinker, a better lover :) and a better man. Thank G for females!!!!!!!!!