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Location: United States

I graduated with a B.A. in English, seeking to do something with it.

This weblog is neither affiliated with, nor sanctioned by my employer.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

I wonder how much can hunger play a big parts in our lives. Can hunger control us, make us do things we usually don't do? What would you do to eat? I'm talking in Metaphors of course, not really meaning that I'm hungry, but I want something, and i want it in the worse way, do I eat or do I stay hungry?

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

I realized just this week how much I love my son. I love his humor, his smile and his laugh. But what made love him the most was him learning how to walk late. My daughter walked at the age of 8 months, she never crawel, she just pulled herself and tried to take steps. And she felled, over and over. Never feeling defeated or bruised, she walked earliy. My son however, felled one time after trying to stand and started craweling, if I would put him on his feet he would make his legs weak and fall safely to the ground. At first I thought that the first fall scared him enough to stop him from walking, but now I believe that it he told him self tht he wasn't ready to walk and that craweling was the next logical step. 1. he could do it and 2. he never fell while craweling. My son was smart enough to wait to walk until he was able. He's not rushing life, rushing to do what everyone else was doing. My son was being himself and for that I deeply love him.