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I graduated with a B.A. in English, seeking to do something with it.

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Tuesday, November 29, 2005

He said he hates the winter, he hates the cold air, gray skys and snow. He said it depresses him to see this. I told him that I love the winter, I loved the cool brisk air and the frozen rain. I love the way my wife squeezes me closer because the world is too cold for her. The guess the winters are too cold for many people, as the rush to go from the car to the a building, or when they smoke a cig quickly, because this time, it's just not worth it. (I had a point, but I lost my flow)

Thursday, November 24, 2005

This is one of those days that we are suppose to give thanks, but sometimes giving thanks isn't enough, sometimes we have to give our time and energy. Sometimes thoes two things can drain a person faster than giving away cash. This thanks giving think about those who have no thanks to give.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Burns! they are a funny things that happens in life. they are marks that scares most people for years after the event. Burn can refer to a broken heart, a sexual gift, a defeative attitude, or indeed flash burning. Regardless of the meaning, it's never good. Getting burn only means one thing, you were hurt and that pain will last awhile.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Cold sores, scares the fuck out of me. What the hell! OK if you see a bumb on a persons lip, do not kiss them. Thats not that hard right. But tell me this, why can men make a picture appear in a box and call it tv, but they can not cure a sore? Men can not cure a cold, but polio oh yeah we got that! it make me wonder?

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

We all have a particular preference in life.
For example, I love UofL sports because my mother does.
I prefer one sports team over another. I prefer this team so much that I would say that I loved this team. This should leave no doubt in anyones mind that I love UofL, except for the question why? Why do I love UofL so much.
Because my mother expose me to this team? Sure, since she was my only guide showing me sports at an early age I loved what she loved. So now I think, is that my preference? Obviously not, it was not my choice to watch sports, it was brought and then taught to me. I began to wonder what else are brought and taught behaviors? My favorite colors, Yes red and black,
My love for art,

Even my love for women with big smiles,
all are taught!

So the question remains, who da hell are we. Are we smaller Versions of our parents,
or our society,

maybe our culture.

Sometimes we try our damnedest to be ourselves,
But all we do is end up looking strange to the rest of the world.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Indeed it is a good friday, don't forget to smile!

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Yes a picture is worth so much more, I have one of my grandfather and I during My Senior prom. We stand side by side, with enough space between us that we could have been strangers. And in many ways he was, Or I was to him. We never spoke about our feelings, or what troubled us. We seem to have never agreed on much except that Mcdonalds was good and baseball wasn't worth watching. In my family, amoung the males we would stand around talking about cars. "Ford stands for 'found on road dead.'" He loved a ford it was a man's car and an American car. When he bought one we would stand around saying how great the car look. When I bought my first car, a geo metro (a japanese car) and he hated it. He says, "I don't like those tires" and I don't trust a car like this."

We never liked each other even when i was a child, he would say, "Why does that boy laugh so much, ain't shit funny" and I smiled. He'll say stop smiling ain't shit funny! But I could never stop smiling.
Finally when he was killed, I cried, uncontrollably. Sometimes I still cry when I think about the many times he took my family in and when he use to bring us Ice cream in the freezing cold because boys love sugar. And every year when we visit his sister's house and no one sit's in the chair that he sat in and when some one did it crushed my soul.

I use to think that the Picture said a lot about him and I, but it really never said anything at all.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

We all seem to be on the search for the perfect person, the person that makes us whole, or atleast whole enough to make it through the day. Sometimes what we look for isn't the same thing that we find. Sometimes what we find are smaller pieces of what we don't want, but we ignore thoese smaller pieces hoping that thoes larger pieces will make us happy. The picture has nothing to do with the words, but it's called a peekoboo pole and it's sold in europe. Yes it is a stripper's pole that you can put in your house, which is cool, cause my friend asked me if she can swang on my pole when I get it. Sure, hell bring a friend, my pole is your pole.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

It is amazing what man can make out of nature. If you think about it everything we have comes from nature, gas, cars, computers. But Like the world everything has it's place. By mixing two things of nature together it can cause a dangerous reaction. I sometimes wonder if people are the same way. If we take a person and put them in an eviroment unknown to them what would happen?

Saturday, November 05, 2005

It is not unusual that a child dreams of being queen. Hell who wouldn't want to be royality. However, when an abusive child wants to be queen this causes a distortion in the mind of a child and royality isn't so lavish and queens are not just for women. He is 15 and wants be a queen for a living. He wants to dance on poles and run down the street nude. When he tells me these things I don't have any reply, because I know he means it. What the hell can I tell a kid that has been raped multiple times, by many men. What can I tell a kid that has been sexual used and now belives that using sex can give him satisfaction in life.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

She inspires me. Just when you think you know someone, they suprise with a gift. Not a gift whereas someone gives you a gift, but gift of caring. A gift that opens your eyes and makes you realize that the world is a little better thanks to her. Sometimes a person suprises you by giving a gift to a person who has less then "she" has. O' you are special. I hope everyone else knows it.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

"That muther fuckin paper is moving!" Amityville horror scared the shit out of my best friend as she and I watch this movie. True all the critics say this is a movie that copies from the original and yes it is mostly fabricated, since the amityville horror is in fact a true story. However, this is a movie, meant to entertain not to inform. But the strangest part of the movie wasn't the movie at all. But the way that she and I entertained the thought of fear surrounding us. The clock ticking, the refrigerator shutting down, and our shadows scaring us more than the sex offenders we care for. Indeed I Love scary movies, bad, real, fake whatever! And that damn paper is still moving.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

It is a sort of celebration when a women rids herself of a man. It is more wonderful to be free than it is to be kept because men will ruin a woman, men will make a woman feel like shit, then dump her for acting shitty. I have a new found respect for Lesbians, I think many of them realized that men ain't shit so why deal with something that makes you feel like shit, gets angry when you feel shitty but doesn't even amount to shit. ?